Camping RSS

Alps, Camping -

It's becoming a tradition. Every year, toward the end of the summer holiday, we head out with the kids to wild camp in the mountains. The forecast looked good. We decided on a spot we know well from day time walks. Being further away from the UTMB course and crowd we thought it should be quieter. We all met in the car park and sorted out our gear, making sure we had enough tent space, food and water between us. Basil, our dog, would join us for the day but wouldn’t stay overnight to avoid any encounters with sheep or their guardian dogs....

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Alps, Camping -

Arriving a week before the rest of the family arrived to have some quiet time in the mountains whilst working from home. Guy and Basil (our dog) thought they'd make the most of the weekend.Guy packed a bag. Supplies for one night for him and Basil, his Alpkit Ordos 3 tent, sleeping bag and a PACMAT Solo for basil, only 200g and barely taking any space in the bag, it proved invaluable.Parking at Notre Dame de la Gorge, they walked up the valley. After a brief thunderstorm, while they sheltered in the boulders below the Col du Bonhomme, they pitched tent...

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Camping -

Seasoned family campers, Collete and her family from "Going on an Adventure," have set up in pouring rain, blazing sunshine, camped at festivals with their friends and even with their puppy! Read what they recommend you take with you here. Read their review of our Harelquin XL PACMAT here:Picnic blankets for larger families.

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Camping -

Typical Mummy has some great tips for family camping trips. And PACMAT is on the packing list. "The PACMAT is perfect for family camping trips as it is super lightweight and ultra compact, rolling up into its own small carry bag." Read about what she thinks makes a camping trip with kids easier here.

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Camping, Swimming, Walking -

With the fantastic weather we decided to do another night out with a few friends. A day spent climbing followed by a walk up to the Cheserys meant we were ready for a good night's sleep. After pitching we treated ourselves to a little Firepot.  (It really does taste so much better than other dehydrated food and they have a good vegetarian range).   Again we were treated by the company of marmots and the magnificent bucatan.  It was a warm, balmy night, but with a clear sky. After sitting out chatting under the stars we all slept well, waking early for...

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