Sleeping under the stars

Alps, Camping -

Sleeping under the stars

It's becoming a tradition. Every year, toward the end of the summer holiday, we head out with the kids to wild camp in the mountains.

The forecast looked good. We decided on a spot we know well from day time walks. Being further away from the UTMB course and crowd we thought it should be quieter.

We all met in the car park and sorted out our gear, making sure we had enough tent space, food and water between us.

Basil, our dog, would join us for the day but wouldn’t stay overnight to avoid any encounters with sheep or their guardian dogs. He's not allowed on the chair lift so Guy had to walk up with him. Everyone else happily hopped on for a breezy ride to the ride to the top.

Meeting back up again with Basil and Guy at Col de Balme. We walked on around the shoulder from France, to Switzerland. The path is easy and the views fabulous.
We arrived at the lake, the area we'd decided to camp for the night. One poor chap thought that he was in for a quiet evening on his own, looked a little disappointed when we arrived but he was good humoured as the chat about the best spot to camp echoed around the valley.
We started to set up near the lake, but it was soon decided this would be a little cool (and we were probably crowding out the loan wild camper). So after lots of discussion we ended up a little higher up, on the opposite side other side, further away from the lone camper, and giving us a wonderful view in two directions. We set to work setting up the tents (some working harder than others!)
Those brave enough for the cold went for a dip.
It was time for Basil, George and me to head off and leave the campers to it. We knew we were cutting it fine to get the last bus. As we got to the shoulder, catching our last glimpse, we waved and wished them a good night's sleep (on what we thought might be a little too much of a slope!). You might just be able to spot them in this picture below.
As the sun dropped the clouds got more and more dramatic making for an interesting walk down with a constantly changing view. 
We could see the bus, sitting in the car park, all the way from the mid station. We walked as fast as we could with not much hope of getting it. As we got near the bottom we realised it was still there and quickened our pace, finally breaking into a run in an effort to catch it. Just as we arrived, to our dismay, the bus pulled away. Empty. The light was fading. We weighed up our options to get back to Les Praz. Luckily I'd packed my head torch. We decided to walk to the next village where more buses might be running. We arrived in Argentiere with thirty minutes to wait for the next bus. Finally it arrived and took us back to Les Praz. We ate and went to bed, thinking of the others and their adventure under the stars.
After we'd left they'd all had something to eat, played games, chatted and told stories with lots of laughter before retiring to bed.
Guy had recently bought a bivvy bag from AlpKit and had wanted to try it out. With such a good forecast, and one too few spaces in the tents, it was the prefect opportunity. Apparently the stars were so good, and the sky so clear that another of the party came out of his tent to join him. Placing his sleeping bag on the PACMAT to keep it dry from the damp grass.
After a mixed night's sleep they all woke to breathtaking views and light.
Packing up (shaking the dew from the tent) and checking they'd left no trace they headed off back round to the lift. Returning with adventures to tell and kit to hang out to dry.
What a night to remember!
Products used on this trip: