Walking RSS

Walking -

After a long walk up to Lac Blanc we were pleased to have our PACMAT original family in our rucksack. Compact and light enough to carry anywhere. Comfortable to relax on and have our picnic.

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Exploring Dartmoor, Walking -

A lovely walk on Dartmoor today. When we stopped for our picnic after the stepping stones we were happy to our PACMAT with us. Light weight and easy to carry. The grass was wet but we had a dry and comfy place to sit. And when it started to rain we just wrapped them around us to keep dry.

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Exploring Dartmoor, Swimming, Walking -

A comfy picnic on prickly grass. A soft place to sit on damp rocks. And easy to carry anywhere with us. Lovely.  

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Using your PACMAT, Walking -

Keep this little beauty in your rucksack. A light, compact, comfortable, water-proof and easy to carry picnic mat. After a long hike, relax and stretch out.

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Exploring Dartmoor, Walking -

A relaxing toe stretch after a long Dartmoor walk. The PACMAT waterproof, light weight, picnic mat is easy to keep in your rucksack. Find a comfortable picnic spot anywhere.

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