Top of the rocks
Our second day at the farm was looking quite wet. Not deterred by the wather, we kitted up in full waterproofs, packed a picnic and headed out for a walk. This time walking up towards the other tor, heading towards Grimspound. The first part of the walk followed a stream through a magical fairytale like woodland. Curling, entwined branches covered in vibrant green moss.

Gradually we got higher, walking up through the bracken, looking back seeing the view of the farmhouse. Snack time! The ground was soaking. We spread out a PACMAT and had a sit down to enjoy the view. There's a lot of sheep poo on the moor so we were glad to have a bit of poo-tection! My boots show how wet and muddy the walk to this point had been. I really should have put on some gaiters.

After al little rest we were ready to head on up. Occasionally taking time to look back at down the valley in the March mist.

The path clearly marked.

As we reached the top we could see the road that wiggles its way toward mum and dad's old house and Grimspound, the bronze age village. We had the obligatory photo taken on top of the rocks playing in the wind.

From up on the hill it's easy to see the clear circular outline of the Grimspound village.

Walking on following the path we could see a glow of sunlight on the horizon.

The wind was still gusty and cold. When we came across a bolt hole we took the opportunity for a little shelter and snack. The PACMAT Patch came in very handy with the soaking wet ground. Basil huddled behind, hoping for cheese.

We walked on and back, eventually returning to farm. Time to warm up and dry out!