Exploring Dartmoor RSS

Exploring Dartmoor -

Very excited to be heading to Dartmoor this weekend. Our lightweight, water-proof picnic mat is a must. Easy to pop into a rucksack, carry anywhere, when heading out for a walk. Comfortable and great for stopping damp grass sneaking through. And if the picnic does get rained off it's a handy water-proof blanket. We will be staying at wonderful self catering Dartmoor longhouse, Lower Blackaton.

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Exploring Dartmoor, Using your PACMAT -

We had a great half term mucking around in Dartmoor. Den making was brilliant fun, but came with rather damp grass. A PACMAT picnic mat was the perfect answer. The kids could play in their dens for hours without getting cold and wet.

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Exploring Dartmoor, Walking -

A relaxing toe stretch after a long Dartmoor walk. The PACMAT waterproof, light weight, picnic mat is easy to keep in your rucksack. Find a comfortable picnic spot anywhere.

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Exploring Dartmoor -

Blue skies, bluebells and slightly damp grass. The PACMAT is perfect for keeping us dry and comfortable.

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Exploring Dartmoor -

We will be taking our PACMAT to Dartmoor this half term. Ready to pack in the bag for picnics and rest spots in the wild and wet Dartmoor countryside.

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