How do you use yours?
PACMATs can be so much more than a picnic mat. If you've been following us on insta, you might have seen some of our uses in pictures.
The thinker
We love walking, but the best bit is where you get to sit down and enjoy your surroundings. Look at the view and just have a bit of a think.
The sleeper
Being outdoors is good for the soul. That doesn't mean you have to be constantly doing things, on the move. Why not just have a little snooze in the fresh air?
The push up.
It's great doing gym work and keep fit in the outdoors but sometimes the ground is a little soggy. The PACMAT Solo is small enough to take out running in your hand. When the moment takes you can pop it down for some press ups or planking.
The wrestle.
Some of us aren't great at sitting still. The PACMAT picnic mat can provide a good place to muck about without getting too much sheep pooh on your back.
The cover up.
PACMATs are waterproof, so if it starts to rain you can use it to cover you, your friend or just your stuff. Or check out our PACMAT Rain Ponchos. Picnic mats for wearing.
The superhero.
We couldn't leave this one out. You just never know when you're going to need a superhero cape and this one light and small enough to take with you anywhere just incase.