Buxton Museum's success with PACMAT
We have been delighted to hear from Buxton Museum who got in touch recently to tell us of the great success they’ve had in using our Peak District Family PACMAT with school groups visiting the museum.
The museum is a free venue containing fascinating displays on the Peak District’s archaeology, geology, art and history, with family friendly quizzes and activities to accompany the museums various exhibitions. The museum also provides educational visits to school groups as well as resources to complement these visits. We were more than happy to donate a PACMAT to the museum to help them continue their work.
“We gather lots of children and their supporting adults around the mat and they love finding Buxton their own village, school and places they recognise in the Peak District. We then relate these places to where some of the amazing objects on display in the museum's Wonders of the Peak Gallery are from.” - Buxton Museum
‘Here is a photograph of children from Buxton Juniors using the map in the museum. They locate key places in the Peak District, including where they are from, where Buxton is and where places are where objects have been found. It always has an impact and works really well in conjunction with our 16th Century Map of the Peak District which is printed onto the gallery's window blinds.’

‘This token is for Melandra, which was a Roman Fort near Glossop. ‘The Romans named the fort at Melandra ‘Ardotalia’ from the Celtic word ‘Talia’. It means: The place of the High Dark Hill.’
You can find out more about Buxton Museum's educational visits here.