Exploring Cornwall RSS

Exploring Cornwall, Picnic games, Pocket Pal -

With its stunning beaches, beautiful countryside, and intriguing history, Cornwall has to be everybody's favourite holiday location. It's not hard to find the perfect picnic spot in this gem of a county but what is there to do when the pasties and cream teas have all been gobbled up? We have some fascinating facts, and amusing picnic games for the whole family to enjoy. Lowena dhis! (Have a nice day!) By Fi Darby   DOWNLOAD THE PDF HEREA4 PRINT AND FOLD TO POCKET SIZE UP TO 11 YEARS OLD Cornish Time Fun fact: At the summer solstice, Land's End in Cornwall has...

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Exploring Cornwall -

After loving spending time at Gwenver beach in the summer our eldest set her sights on becoming qualified to be a life guard. She found a course in Newquay with 4 elements adventure, got permission to take a few days off school and signed up.  The qualification is called the NVBLQ, National Vocational Beach Lifeguard Qualification. With this you can be come an RNLI lifeguard. It's also recognised by the International Life Saving Federation, so allows you to work worldwide. To get onto the course, you have to apply and then be approved. Every candidate must be a strong swimmer...

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